Friday, October 5, 2012

Biceps, Triceps, & Back Workout!!!

As the day is progressing I am noticing how sore I am from yesterdays work out. My hamstrings and gluteus maximus especially!  Today's workout will consist of biceps, triceps, and back.

Begin with a warm up: Either a 1-2 mile run at your own pace

Every workout will have 3 sets: 2 warm up sets of 12-15 reps and the 3rd set to failure. 

- Bicep cable curl (only move your forearm)
- Barbell curl
- Inclined dumb-bell curls

- Dips using the bench with elevated legs
- Low Triceps cable extensions (only moving the forearms)
- 1 arm pronated dumb bell triceps extensions

- Cable seated rows
- Lat pull down
- Bent over barbell rows

End the workout with 10 minutes on the stairmaster or 15 minutes in the Sauna :) your pick!! 

If you have any questions on how to do the workouts email me and I will send you a video link

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