Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Breakfast smoothie

6 oz of water
1/2 cup of oats
1 scoop of whey protein (chocolate)
1 cup of frozen berries

350 calories

Monday, October 29, 2012

No Sugar

having no sugar is a lot harder than I thought. EVERYTHING has sugar. No wonder we are obese and type 2 diabetes is increasing rapidly. Even a slice of whole wheat bread has added sugar!

It is all about what we eat. Our health is affected by what we put in our bodies. Be smart and eat clean to stay lean, "you are what you eat"

"(CBS News) If you are what you eat, then what does it mean that the average American consumes 130 pounds of sugar a year? Sanjay Gupta reports on new research showing that beyond weight gain, sugar can take a serious toll on your health, worsening conditions ranging from heart disease to cancer. Some physicians go so far as to call sugar a toxin."

My dinner tonight. Mixed veggies with tofu and lentils.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Tuna, hummus, and black beans = AMAZING

1 month challenge

Are you up for the challenge? Going 25 days with no processed or added sugar. Starting the count down today (10-28-12). See if I can last till Thanksgiving day.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Breakfast this morning

Grilled asparagus
Grilled onions and mushrooms
Two eggs minus 1 yolk :)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Leg Day!!

10 minute warmup on elliptical
Followed by stretching gluts, quads, hamstrings, and lower back.

Leg extensions- 3 sets of 10-12 reps (increasing weight after every set)
Hack squats- 3 sets of 10-12 reps
Leg press- 3 sets of 10-12 reps (increasing weight after every set)
Lunges using smith machine- 2 sets of 10-12 reps on each leg
Stiff legged deadlifts- 3 sets of 12 reps each (slight bend at the knee, feeling the stretch in hamstrings then squeezing butt muscles when you go up)
Seated hamstring curls- 3 sets of 10-12 reps (increasing weight after every set)
Seated calf raises- 3 sets of 15 reps each
10 minute stair master

Followed by my post workout smoothie
25 grams of protein
30 grams of carbs

6 oz of water
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder (100% whey gold standard)
1 cup of spinach
1/4 cup of frozen blueberries
A pinch of cinnamon

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tuesday's Workout

40 minute cardio this morning (as soon as I woke up): 10 minute run followed by 30 minutes on the elliptical 

6 PM workout:

I started off with a 10 minute warmup on the elliptical 
overhead lat pullover using a dumbbell; dumbbell pullover (2 sets of 15 reps)
wide grip pull down (2 sets of 15 reps)
1 arm dumbbell rows (2 sets of 15 reps)
seated wide grip cable row to chest (2 sets of 15 reps)
barbell dead lifts (2 sets of 15 reps)
hamstring curls (3 sets of 12 reps)
50 crunches
50 bicycles
30 horizontal leg raises

End workout with 10 minutes on the stair master (level 7-10)

I would recommend supplementing with branched chain amino acids (BCAA's) during the workout, in order to saturate the muscles with these proteins that are essential for building muscle.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Late night smoothie

6 oz of water
Scoop of 100% vanilla whey protein
1 1/2 cup of raw spinach
1/2 tsp of cinnamon
Couple cubes of ice (optional; if you like it cold)

Blend and enjoy!

Spinach is a great source of Vitamin A which is good for a healthy eye site and especially needed for our night vision; which is extremely dependent on vitamin A. Vitamin A also helps our immune system by making white blood cells which help fight viruses and bacteria

This smoothie contains 84% of the RDA (recommended dietary allowance) for Vitamin A

Packing Meals

Packing your meals for the week or for the next 3 days is important when maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle. Increasing your metabolism requires you to eat smaller meals every 2 to 3 hours; crucial for increasing energy production and decreasing body fat percentage. I have prepared healthy lunches and dinner meals of 280-320 calories each.
-whole wheat pasta and chicken
-chicken and broccoli
-Tofu and vegetables

High Protein Meal

This high protein meal is great for vegetarians or for a clean diet.

I enjoy experimenting with foods and it is not hard to combine a bunch of your favorite healthy foods.

This dish was absolutely delicious and very healthy for you
  - high in protein and good simple carbohydrates (vegetables) that your body breaks down quickly. 

In a medium sized pot pour in 1/3 cup of purified water
along with these ingredients:
-3 cups of Broccoli
-1/2 cup of sliced mushrooms
-Chopped small garlic pieces (about 4)
-1/4 cup of chopped onions
-1 cup of fresh 1/4 sized cut green beans
-1 packet of firm tofu cut in squares

Cover and allow to cook/steam

While the above ingredients are being cooked in low-medium heat crack, in a bowl, 6 eggs leaving out and discarding the yolk (only egg white).

Once the above ingredients look cooked pour in the egg whites over the vegetables and tofu in the pot and cover until the egg whites are cooked.

You will be able to tell when it looks done. Take off heat and let cool for a 1 minute or 2 then serve and enjoy!

This dish is packed with vitamins, minerals, and protein!!

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Great Post Workout Smoothie

6-8 oz of water
1/2 cup of pineapple
1/2 cup of papaya
full scoop of 100% vanilla whey protein

Blend and enjoy! 

This smoothie is absolutely amazing within 30 minutes after a workout. The enzymes in the pineapple and papaya are considered proteolytic enzymes, papain and bromelain, which easily digest protein. The enzymes in the foods will help digest the protein and increase the breakdown and absorption rate of the protein (especially needed after a heavy lifting day).

Friday, October 19, 2012

My Friday Night Workout

Today was an unusual day. Worked out late today, which is normally not the norm. I started off by running 1 mile. The original plan was to workout mainly my quadriceps however I wasn't feeling that at the moment so I decided to do a full body workout instead.

Leg press (1 set of 20 reps)
Leg extensions (2 sets of 15 reps)
Seated hamstring curls (2 sets of 15 reps)
Laying down hamstring curls (2 sets of 10 reps)
Alternating Hammer curls (2 sets of 30 reps)
Tricep kickback (2 sets of 12 reps)
Bent over dumbbell reverse fly (2 sets of 12 reps)
Dumbbell curls (2 sets of 10 reps)
Stair master for 10 minutes
Seated calf raises (2 sets of 12 reps)
Elliptical machine for 10 minutes
Then 4 sets of 20 horizontal leg raises

.... now this seems like a lot and it is. I normally don't do this but for some reason I had so much energy and wanted to use it. 

I didn't rest in between workouts. I alternated the sets. After my 1st set of leg extensions I went to the seated hamstring curl machine and did a set of that then went back to the leg extensions. You can say I did the workouts in 2's.

I would usually say to have a plan before you workout but sometimes you want to change it up and listen to your body.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Green Smoothie

Delicious nutritious green smoothie
(great for a post workout smoothie)

6-8 oz of water
1 scoop of vanilla whey protein
Handful of blueberries
1 cup of spinach
1/3 cup of all natural nonfat Greek yogurt

Blend and enjoy!

Today's Workout: Buns of Steel

10 minute warmup run
50 abdominal crunches
3 sets of 15 reps each:
-Leg Extension
-Squat Jumps
-Laying down hamstring curls
20 minute stair master

Feel the burn!! No pain, no gain!!


I'm a huge fan of cereal! They have fortified nutrition, are low in fat, low in calories, and first ingredient is usually whole grain wheat. Not to mention some cereals are amazing!!

Post Morning Cardio Fuel
Cinnamon Toast Crunch!! "The taste you can see"

Wednesday's Dinner

Today was a long day. Finally I get to blog then go to bed, that is if I'm able to. 20 hours and still feeling awake :) I have all this natural energy, which I love. Eating healthy and exercising daily gives you so much energy you never thought you had. You start feeling like the energizer bunny and nothing can stop you. It amazes me how much time there is in a day and how many hours you have in a week, there are 168 hours in a week, the excuse of not having time is a lame excuse. You can always find time, and I've realized that getting your work done earlier gives you more time in the end to do whatever you please. Television is a huge waste of time and it amazes me how people can spend hours sitting down watching t.v. Anyway I'm a little irritated with people criticizing Michelle Obama's plan on making school lunches healthier. High school kids are especially annoyed with this change and that's because they are already addicted to high calorie foods with no-low nutrition in them. All the chronic diseases we are facing today are all mostly due to malnutrition; Hyperlipidemia, Hypertension, Type II Diabetes... and the list goes on. If parents are going to be paying for their kids lunches, then don't you think they would want to be paying for a good quality lunch versus a unhealthy lunch such as nachos, fries, pretzels, and pizza??  I think it is a phenomenal idea and I'm so glad that something is being done about it, finally. Unfortunately we are living in an unhealthy society and if McDonalds is going to be cheaper than a home made salad than it will only become a bigger problem that the government can't mandate. However, healthier school lunches is a step in the right direction and kids are going to benefit from this in the long run and thank Michelle Obama later. Something done is better than nothing.  So it is up to ourselves, the individual, to decide for our selves what is right for us. Living a healthy lifestyle comes with many good rewards.


I made room for a 40 minute run after I had my spinach/avocado smoothie. Then I cooked some chicken with mushrooms, onions and broccoli. The meal was perfect after a run: high in protein with good carbohydrates and fat.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Late night pre-workout smoothie

6oz of water
1 scoop of 100% Vanilla Whey Protein
1/2 cup of spinach
1/2 cup of plain Greek yogurt
1/2 avocado
1 tsp of honey
1 tsp of cinnamon
1/4 cup of berries

Monday, October 15, 2012

Effective way to lose weight

As soon as you wake up, right before the sun comes out or as the sun is rising drink a cup of black coffee, no sugar added, or anything with caffeine if you don't drink coffee (to help start/increase your metabolism) and do 25-35 mins of cardio. Either elliptical, stair master, or treadmill/outside. Immediately after your cardio workout have a small nutritious meal either oatmeal with berries or a protein smoothie with 1/2 a banana. If you do this 3-5 times a day during your week I guarantee you will immediately see results. Of course a proper nutrition is very affective, remember fitness and nutrition go hand in hand.

Tip when doing cardio: moderate intensity, make sure you can carry a conversation throughout your cardio session (sing if you have to).
Invest in a heart rate monitor and figure out the range you need to be in to effectively get rid of unwanted fat.

P.S. I had an amazing cardio session this morning. You will start looking forward to your morning cardio, the feeling you get afterwards becomes addicting ;)

Off Day!!

Today was my off day from the gym. I stayed in and watched "Hachiko" wonderful movie about a loyal dog :) I pretty much cried during the entire movie. I made myself a Caprese salad to make me feel better :D, very simple and delightful (slices of fresh mozzarella and tomato with balsamic dressing).  After the movie was over a decided to hit some golf balls.
Spending my day off at the Driving Range
Having at least a day or two off during the week is great for building muscles; by "off" I mean no lifting weights. Your body goes through a lot of stress and tear when you exercise with weights and eventually your body will need time to recover. When you workout your muscles, the muscle fibers tear apart in a process called hypertrophy which is the major cause of muscle growth. The recovery stage and tightening of these muscle fibers occur on your "off" days. Muscle is essential for the oxidation of fat. Oxidation refers to burning, fighting, or getting rid of fat (however you want to call it). The more muscle you have the higher your BMR (basal metabolic rate) will be, which is the amount of energy expended daily. Fat burning which is known as fat oxidation occurs when the body is needing energy. Increasing your activity will increase your energy expenditure and increasing your muscle mass will also increase your energy expenditure required to sustain the muscle.
One must be aware of not just how fat is oxidized in the body but also how the fat is synthesized. The synthesis of fat occurs from excess fat, glucose, and other nutrients. You want to make sure you are feeding your body and muscles with the proper nutrition. Proper nutrition is crucial when building muscle, getting lean, and overall achieving a healthy lifestyle. There are 4 different types of fat you must be aware of. We have trans fat, saturated fat, mono- and poly- unsaturated fat. The first 2, trans and saturated, are known as "bad" fats and the other 2, poly- and mono- unsaturated are known  as "good" fats. The bad fats slow your progression of oxidizing/burning fat. In the contrary, they will aid in storing fat. However, the "good"fats will help fight the bad fat away. The more of the good fats you see in your diet and the less of the bad fats you see will tremendously increase fat oxidation and help you reach your fitness goals a lot quicker. Overall you will have an increased amount of energy due to the the oxidation of the triglycerides in the body, which are the stored form of fats. Here are some foods that can help "fight" fat.

Salmon- Salmon is packed with Omega-3's which are good fat and help in muscle growth. More muscle = less fat
Greek Yogurt- Greek Yogurt is high in protein and contains probiotics which are essential for a good healthy digestive system which is crucial for the digestion of "good" fats.
Avocado- Avocados are packed with mono-unsaturated fats and act as an anti-inflamatory. Inflammation is caused by stress on the body due to exercise and everyday life! Avocados may help reduce inflammation caused by such stress.
Eggs- Eggs are amazing power foods. Everyone knows that egg yolk contains cholesterol, however, the egg yolk is what contains all the nutrients and is packed with vitamin B's which are needed in the production of energy in the body (fat oxidation). Not to mention the egg whites are high in protein which is essential for muscle growth. I would recommend no more than 2 whole eggs a day due to the cholesterol in the egg yolk, but please don't avoid the egg yolk completely. You are missing out on a lot of good nutrients (such as choline-water soluble essential nutrient) if you do.
Olive Oil- Olive oil is mono-unsaturated fat with a little bit of poly-unsaturated fat, essential for fat oxidation.
Nuts- Nuts are high in "good" fats (mono and poly)
Beans- Beans are high in protein, needed for muscle growth
Green Tea- Green tea contains caffeine which helps increase your metabolism (energy used to construct essential components of life, such as protein, and energy lost when breaking down organic matter in the body such as fat). Green tea is also high in antioxidants which are essential in the process of fat oxidation.
Coffee- Coffee has lots of caffeine which helps start your metabolism in the mornings and is especially good before a workout to aid in the fat oxidation process.

Caprese Salad and Egg Sandwich

I hope some of this information helps and is useful to you as it is to me. If you have any questions please email me at Lynee@letsgethealthyfit.com

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Weekend baseball tournament!! Had a great time supporting my younger brothers team. Bright and early tomorrow morning for some more baseball.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Tonight's Dinner

Grilled chicken with grilled mushrooms, bell peppers, and onions on top with a side of veggies and mashed potatoes

Friday Leg Workout

Start off with 1 mile warmup

Every workout except dead-lifts will consist of 2 warmup sets of 12-15 reps and 1 set till failure (total of 3 sets)

Squats using smith machine
Leg press
Dead lifts (2 sets of 15 reps)
Leg extensions
Seated hamstring curls
Seated calf raises

End with 15 minutes on the stair master
I love frosted mini wheats, aka wheaties ;) you have to soak them in milk for just the right time for that slightly crunchy texture. If you eat them right away they are too crunchy and if you soak them too long they get too soggy.

Today is Friday but for some reason it still feels like a weekday. The last couple days have been beautiful in the mornings, especially this morning. It was a pleasant awakening to the smell of ran and the sight of Deja cuddling at my feet. The weather felt fresh and crisp. It almost felt cold until 10am. But okay enough about the weather... Although I must say it is really hard to have a bad day when the weather is great :)

So who is this Deja character? I've never been a cat person. Always a dog lover but on my way to work on Wednesday morning I heard a cat meowing. I looked up and saw a little black kitten meowing towards me. The poor little thing seemed lost and hungry. I grabbed the kitten and noticed it was a little female kitten about 4 weeks old. I took her inside and immediately fed her. I soaked up some dog food in water and left it on a plate for the kitten and a little bowl of milk. She warmed up to me quite quickly for being a stray. I didn't want to leave her but had to leave for work. All day I thought about the kitten and wondered what I should do with her. By the end of the day I already had named her. I took her to the vet Thursday morning. Decided to give her a full check up and test her for any sickness/disease she might be carrying. It turns out she's a perfectly healthy kitty. I went ahead and allowed the vet to give her the first vaccination.. $180 later I decided to keep her. Now I have fallen in love with this little black kitten. My dog is not taking it so well but she will learn to love her too. I believe she thinks the cat is a bunny. Although Deja, the kitten, acts like a monkey. She's a curious little thing.
Miss Déjà Vu and Sienna Bear what a treat :) Speaking of black cats, I think I know what I'll be for Halloween... Cat women. What a perfect "trick or treat" before Halloween.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Protein Pancakes

1/4 cup of nonfat milk
1 drop of vanilla extract
1 scoop of vanilla protein powder
1/2 cup of old fashioned oats
1 egg
1/2 banana
1/4 tsp cinnamon

Makes exactly 1 1/2 cups of batter

-Heat pan or griddle to low-medium heat
-Spray with non stick cooking spray
-Combine all the ingredients and blend
-Pour into the pan and cook each side for about 2-3 minutes
-Lastly, top with favorite ingredients: peanut butter, fruit (berries), cottage cheese, syrup, honey, Nutella, cream cheese, raspberry preserves...

My favorite is nonfat cottage cheese with strawberries on top!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Full Body Workout

1 mile run (moderate)

Every workout will consist of 2 sets of 15 reps with 30 secs of rest between each workout:

Side lateral raises with dumbbells (works out shoulders)
Seated cable rows (upper back)
Bent over barbell row (middle back)
Alternate hammer curls (biceps)
Tricep dumbbell kickbacks (triceps)
Butt lift bridge (gluteus Maximus)
Free hand jump squats (quadriceps)
Dumbbell lunges (quads and gluts)

Run 1 mile at your own pace or stair-master for 10 mins

Fitness Goals

Everyone has different fitness goals. Some of us want to get lean and lose weight, others want to get toned, and some want to build muscle and get strong or tone up. Depending on what your fitness goals are determines what workouts you do and in what variation. My fitness goals are to get toned arms and build leg muscle, especially in my quads and gluts.

There are many different workouts consisting of training with weights and different cardio regimens but that's not all you need to reach your fitness goals. The proper nutrition for you will also help you reach all your fitness goals. Fitness and Nutrition go hand in hand.

Email me if you have any questions regarding your fitness and nutrition goals: Lynee@letsgethealthyfit.com

My workout for today will be a full body workout. Which I will post later today.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Chicken and Mushroom Spaghetti!

I had this for lunch and it was delicious!

Whole wheat pasta
Sliced white mushrooms
Diced tomatoes 
Bell peppers
Grilled chicken cut in squares
Tomato sauce
Optional: Salt and pepper to taste

6:00 AM Golf followed by a 3 mile Run

Woke up at 4:45AM this morning to make it to a 6:15 tee time. Made an egg sandwich for breakfast and stopped at Starbucks for a tall iced Americano. The egg sandwich was amazing. Simply a wholewheat toast with an over easy egg on top (2 egg whites) and a slice of cheddar cheese on top.
I played 9 holes and was done by 7:30. It was a perfect time to play. A little chilly at first but was done before the sun really came out. I no doubt had a great time, can't wait to do it again! Now time for a 3 mile run then work!!
P.S. My lower limbs are really sore! My hamstrings, calves, gluteus , and quadriceps. Running will definitely help loosen up the sore muscles. You become sore after a workout due to the lactic acid build up after an intense workout. Lactic acid comes from the glycogen stores in the muscle. Muscle cells convert glucose or glycogen to lactic acid. The lactic acid is then taken up by the mitochondria and used as fuel. Intense training makes a huge difference in your performance. The more you train your muscles the more you are increasing your mitochondrial mass, meaning more energy production overall (more energy production = fat oxidation/fat burning)

Monday, October 8, 2012


Snacked on some Pistachios and seedless grapes right after my workout. Love pistachios!!

And had 1 slice of whole wheat bread with canned tuna and mustard on top along with my daily Vitamin C dose!! It's good to supplement on vitamin C during rigorous workouts. Vitamin detoxifies oxidized fat in the body.


Please let me know if you tried any of the workouts or if you have any questions or comments feel free to ask and comment away.

I ended my leg workout today with 50 crunches and 50 alternating bicycles instead of the 5 minute stair master!

If you need me to tailor your workouts for your body type and lifestyle in order to reach your fitness goals, please email me:


Pre Workout Smoothie

1 cup of water
1 scoop of 100%whey vanilla protein
1/4 cup of natural Quaker oats
1/2 cup of Greek yogurt
2 whole white button mushrooms
1 tsp of cinnamon

260 calories

Leg day!!

Today's Workout

Start off with a 1 mile run at your own pace then head into the gym room with 2 dumbbells of  comfortable weight (I will use 10 lb dumbbells) I recommend 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5, or 20 lb weights, depending on your weight, size, and fitness goals.

Gym room:
Free hand jump squat 
     - 2 sets of 15 reps
Plie dumbbell squat (make sure you are pushing off of heels)   
     - 2 sets of 20 reps
Lunges across the room while holding one dumbbell in each hand (you can place on shoulders)
     - 2 sets of 20 lunges
Stiff-legged dumbbell dead lifts (slight bend on the knee, weight on heels) bring dumbbells to ankles or until you feel a strech
     - 2 sets of 15 reps

Make sure to give yourself 30-60 seconds of resting time after every set

Weight room:
Laying leg hamstring curls
     - 2 sets of 15 reps
Leg Press Machine
     - 2 sets of 15 reps
Standing calf raises with weight
     - 2 sets of 15 reps

End it with 5 minutes on the stair master or 15 minutes in the Sauna

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Meal in a cup

Blend these ingredients in a blender:

1cup of water
1cup of spinach
1 tablespoon of pine nuts
1/2 a tablespoon of raw honey
1/4 cup of oats
1 scoopful of 100% (vanilla) whey protein
1/2 a cup of fresh strawberries
1/2 a banana
Cinnamon, about 1tsp

This smoothie = deliciousness!!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Resting/Cardio Day!

I'm obsessed with my dog, I love how she wakes me up in the mornings, so cute!! Before I took her out for a walk I had a banana, that's usually what I have as soon as I get up and after I brush my teeth. It's the only food that actually taste really good after brushing your teeth.. Try it! Sienna and I got back from her walk and I had a bowl of cereal (I like to mix shredded wheat and raisin bran nut cereal with a little bit of cinnamon).  
I hung out with my dog for a little bit, got ready for my cardio routine, then snaked on a good humor bar as I made my way to the gym :D
By the way, if you are craving icecream, a good snack to replace the craving would be a Good Humor Bar. 1st of all they are delicious!! 2nd, 1 bar has 150 calories, 3g of saturated fat, 12g of sugar, and 2 grams of protein. Not bad if you only have one and NOT have it right after a meal!  You always want to look at the saturated fat and trans fat content in things you eat. The total fat doesn't really matter as long as you are eliminating trans fat from your diet and limiting your saturated fat intake to a minimum. And 12g of sugar is the same as a bowl of cereal! (Juice contains more sugar)
If anyone actually did my past 2 workouts, you are going to need today to rest and allow your muscles to recover. I am really sore all over. So today's workout consisted of a 2 mile run followed by 20 minutes on the stair-master (best machine out there). Then I ended my cardio with 3 different abdomen workouts; planks (3 sets of 1 minute each),  50 bicycles, and 50 situps. Now I feel great. I made an egg omelet with mushrooms, onions, and bell peppers as my post-workout meal. The omelet was delicious!! 
Cardio Routine
2 mile run
20 min stair-master
3 Ab workouts
Now I have the rest of this beautiful Saturday to relax and catch up on some work for the upcoming week... and watch college football!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Mushrooms and Chicken!

Had some delicious chicken and mushrooms for dinner. It was amazing! Grilled some chicken the same way I did earlier today added some moon dust (chicken seasoning).
Chopped up some onions, bell peppers, minced garlic, and sliced mushrooms and cooked them all in their own skillet with a little bit of olive oil (about 1/2 a tablespoon or less). Once the chicken was done I dumped the mushroom and veggies on the chicken and voila!! Goodness!!

Simple Post Workout Meal

Simple post workout meal:

-Grill chicken breast on skillet with a tablespoon of olive oil
-Lightly season with salt and pepper while on skillet
-cover skillet until top looks cooked then flip and cover for 10 more minutes

Veggies: from a pack of frozen vegetables get a cup full of veggies and unthaw on stove and cook with very little water.

And you have a simple post workout meal. Protein and Carbs!!

Pre-workout Smoothie

1 cup of water
1 scoop of 100% Whey Protein
1/4 cup of 100% whole grain oats
1/4 cup of mixed berries
1/3 cup of Fage total 0% Greek Yogurt
1 tsp of honey
1/2 tsp of cinnamon

Biceps, Triceps, & Back Workout!!!

As the day is progressing I am noticing how sore I am from yesterdays work out. My hamstrings and gluteus maximus especially!  Today's workout will consist of biceps, triceps, and back.

Begin with a warm up: Either a 1-2 mile run at your own pace

Every workout will have 3 sets: 2 warm up sets of 12-15 reps and the 3rd set to failure. 

- Bicep cable curl (only move your forearm)
- Barbell curl
- Inclined dumb-bell curls

- Dips using the bench with elevated legs
- Low Triceps cable extensions (only moving the forearms)
- 1 arm pronated dumb bell triceps extensions

- Cable seated rows
- Lat pull down
- Bent over barbell rows

End the workout with 10 minutes on the stairmaster or 15 minutes in the Sauna :) your pick!! 

If you have any questions on how to do the workouts email me and I will send you a video link
Email: Lynee@letsgethealthyfit.com

Walking the dog

Getting up early is so worth it. The day is new and the air is so fresh & crisp :)
People are more motivated in the mornings; Get 'er done!

I was abruptly woken up by my lovely dog Sienna, then minutes later received a text message at 5:38AM!! from my good old workout buddy Anna. I love motivated people :) She was texting me to work out, although I was very tempted, I wanted to avoid the drive so early so I decided to go for a run and take my labchow with me (Sienna... aka, Si Si Bear). Oh boy can she run!! She's absolutely a great runner... That's my fault... I started training for the PF Changs half marathon 2 years from today and decided to take my 10 month old pup (at the time) running with me every morning. So now when I take her on walks they are more like runs. She's been doing a lot better on these very long walks. However, she went super psycho on me when we encountered a group of bunnies. We ran for about 2 miles then stopped at a dog park. By the time we got to the dog park she was tired and didn't want to play with the other dogs.. even if she wasn't tired, I doubt she would play. She's not your typical dog. Some would say how boring of a dog but I would say I was blessed :) she's not those annoying dogs that bark at any sound they hear and shes not the annoying dog that runs up to people or other dogs. In the contrary, she's very timid, and I like her that way. She doesn't play fetch, which is a bummer but I guess I never taught her how. She was always a princess from day 1. Not to mention, she loves to wake me up super early; I've learned to love it!!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Leg day sucks!!

I Love to Sweat!!

Leg day is always the worst!! Almost bailed out on the gym by giving myself a lame excuse "I have too much homework and studying to do." Somehow I managed to get myself there. I started off with a 1 mile run as a warm up, did some stretching, then started on the leg extension machine. I'm doing 3 sets of every workout. The first two are warm up sets, 12-15 reps, and the last set is till failure. I imagine I will be in pain tomorrow! From leg extension I went to the leg press machine, then to the seated hamstring curl, hamstring curls, stiff-leg dead lifts, seated calf raises, then ended my workout with horizontal leg raises. The best thing about a workout for me is ending it with the sauna :) Sauna for about 15 minutes = AMAZING!!