Sunday, January 13, 2013

Saturday Meals

My "high" carb meals for Saturday:

Breakfast: 4 egg whites with one whole egg and spinach and 2/3 cup of oatmeal with ¼ cup of blueberries

Gym at 9AM (Cardio)

10:30 AM vanilla protein smoothie with 1/2 cup of pineapple with cinnamon and a 1/2 sweet potato (as much sweet potato as I can eat).

1PM Meal 3- Spinach Salad with ½ cup sliced strawberries, 1/4 avocados, 1 tbsp walnuts, 2.8 oz of chicken, and 1/2 cup of quinoa (as much as I can eat; "carb loading")

2PM GYM: Leg Day
24 g of 100% whey protein drink (right after gym)

3:30 PM Meal 4-  Canned tuna with crushed almonds, egg whites, and pepper

6PM Meal 5 Casein protein with cinnamon and 1 tsp of coconut oil

9PM Dinner (meal 6 and last meal) Baked Salmon and as much starchy carb side with a glass of red wine.

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