Saturday, January 26, 2013

Protein Pancakes

No secrete here just my same old good recipe ;)

-4 egg whites
-1 scoop of banana whey protein and 1 scoop of peanut butter chocolate protein (or 2 scoops of banana whey ;)
-1 spoonful of pumpkin purée (100% pure pumpkin)
-1 tablespoon of chai seeds (optional but I would recommend it :P
-cinnamon to taste (optional, however cinnamon is good for you and taste so yummy :D )

Mix with a beater or whatever you have just blend very well. Preheat pan to medium heat. Add a 1/2 tsp of coconut oil and pour batter on oil then cover for a minute or two and when firm on top...flip!!

My favorite. I put peanut butter on one side then folded it into an omelet.. Oh my so moist and not to mention the best thing ever! Doesn't even need any syrup ;)

1 comment:

  1. I need to make this ASAP.. They look so good.
    Thanks for the recipe.
