Friday, January 25, 2013

Interval training

HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training
Interval Training on the Stair-master for 20 minutes (low 40 steps/minute and high 120 steps/min)       Making it a habit to incorporate HIIT into my weekly schedule at least 4 times a week (this will increase my BMR and help reduce my body fat over time)


Working out my abs after my 20 minutes of interval training. Horizontal leg raises and alternating oblique workout with 10lbs weights. Don't be afraid to use weights or to go heavy. Lifting weights increases your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) which means calories needed in a day; the higher your BMR and RMR the faster your metabolism and the more foods your body can metabolize in a day :D SOUNDS AMAZING!!

Breathing properly while exercising is very important, exerting air when exerting force. In this ab exercise I'm breathing in as I go down and exhaling as I come up to bring my elbow to the opposite knee.

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