Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Woke up with abs this morning :)

Hard work pays off! Not done yet, still working hard. My goal is to maintain this for a very long time; continue to eat clean and stay active. This is a lifestyle I have chosen to follow... Healthy Living!!

Protein Pancakes

I use the same recipe every time and I think I've perfected it :)

My recipe is a great meal for two or more depending on how big you make your pancakes. This recipe makes about 4 medium-large pancakes. You can cut the recipe in half to make a single serving with 45 grams of protein.

Recipe for more than 1:

-  2 scoops (24 grams of protein) of banana cream protein powder and 1 scoop (24 grams of protein) of chocolate peanut butter protein powder (you can use any flavor- my favorite is banana)
3 scoops total (already 72 grams of protein)

-  1/2 cup of egg whites (only egg whites) ~14 grams of protein

 -  1/2 cup of 100% pure pumpkin (you can find this at fry's)

*Mix and blend the protein powder, egg whites, and pumpkin very well in a large bowl (use an egg beater)

*Add 2 tablespoons of Chai Seeds and mix some more!

(you may add cinnamon if you'd like)

While you are doing the mixing, preheat the pan at medium heat.

Pour about 1/4 of the batter or less, depending on the size of your pancake, on the pan then cover for a minute (just like regular pancakes only flip once and flip when side looks bubbly and ready to flip).

Powdered Peanut Butter (found at Fry's or online): For the peanut butter mixture I just mix 4 tablespoons of peanut butter or your desired amount with almond milk. I add a little bit of almond milk at a time and mix very well until I get the consistency I like. Add cinnamon to this peanut butter mixture, taste great!

I layer my pancakes with peanut butter in-between them and sprinkle chai seeds and cinnamon on top. You may lightly drizzle sugar-free syrup over your pancakes (optional).

I enjoy eating my protein pancakes with a small cup of almond milk :) I love unsweetened almond milk. It has grown on me and now I add it to everything. It's great with my protein smoothies.

Chai Seeds are also a must to have in your kitchen. You can add chai seeds to anything (yogurt for example). Chai seeds are an EXCELLENT source of fiber.  A lot of health benefits when incorporating them into your diet.

Cinnamon, one of my favorite spices that adds excellent flavor to smoothies, protein pancakes, and greek yogurt. I use it everyday!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I haven't been posting any progress pictures. I feel like a before and after would be perfect. My body is still under construction LOL and I see this as a never ending journey. This is a lifestyle that I have chosen to live. I enjoy training hard and eating clean. It makes me feeling happy, healthy and terrific everyday!!

Progress pics taken within the last two weeks..

Baked vs. Steamed

I wrote an earlier post about baking sweet potatoes when you had a craving for something sweet. Now I'm going to advice steaming your sweat potato versus baking it and steaming it with the skin. The skin is a great source of fiber and other nutrients such as vitamin A, you don't want to get rid of that.

When you bake any potato the glycemic index increases, which means the sugar content will increase (it will spike up your blood glucose more quickly after consumption).

Another tip: eat your potato cold. Cooling your sweet potato or storing them in the fridge for a later snack is a better alternative. This further decreases the glycemic index causing a less spike on your blood glucose (blood sugar).

Monday, January 28, 2013


Eating broccoli is a workout!!! Just ate and now my jaw is sore lol

I love my broccoli lightly steamed. I wrap it in foil paper and steam it in a pot with a little boiling water.

Mmmm.. Love love love broccoli
Favorite veggies: broccoli, asparagus, kale, spinach, green bell-peppers (bell-peppers are botanically fruits but still considered a veggie)

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Great leg workout!!

My Sunday Workout (legs)

Stair master for 15 minutes level 6 with 10 lbs on each hand (fat burning mode) 5 mins with weight then 5 without then 5 with.

Horizontal leg raises with 10 lbs in between feet. 12 reps, 10 reps, 8 reps, 6 reps, 6 reps, then 4 reps

One legged lunge squats 12 reps, 10 reps, 8 reps, 6 reps (25 lbs)
Squats 12 reps, 10 reps, 8 reps, 6 reps (35 lbs)
Lunge squats 20 alternating lunges with 25 lbs
Inner thigh workout (hip ADduction; 30 reps at 60 lbs, 10 reps at 80 lbs)
Outer thigh workout (hip ABduction; 15 reps at 60 lbs, 12 reps at 50 lbs)

Listen to your body, push yourself. Your mind is powerful and you can tell it to keep going and you will be amazed on how you can do more than what you thought you could.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Spinach <3

Popeye taught us well ;) Spinach is so amazing! One of my favorite greens. You can eat so much of it and not have to count the calories or carbs. For example, in 1 cup of spinach there are only 7 calories and a little less than 2 grams of carbs :) that's nothing!! Not to mention, it's a great fiber source for your body.

Tilapia spinach salad with green salsa

At it again

Couldn't sleep so I got up and did a 20 minute interval session.

I love these because it really gets your heart pumping and with the high and low intensity it is revving up that metabolism ;)

Only 20 minutes out of your day! Don't think about it. Just Do It!

You can do high intensity interval training with any equipment, anywhere. With your bike, with running, with a jump rope... bike, run, or jump fast for a minute then slow down for the next minute then again fast, then slow.. For 20 minutes!! That's it!! ;)

Protein Pancakes

No secrete here just my same old good recipe ;)

-4 egg whites
-1 scoop of banana whey protein and 1 scoop of peanut butter chocolate protein (or 2 scoops of banana whey ;)
-1 spoonful of pumpkin purée (100% pure pumpkin)
-1 tablespoon of chai seeds (optional but I would recommend it :P
-cinnamon to taste (optional, however cinnamon is good for you and taste so yummy :D )

Mix with a beater or whatever you have just blend very well. Preheat pan to medium heat. Add a 1/2 tsp of coconut oil and pour batter on oil then cover for a minute or two and when firm on top...flip!!

My favorite. I put peanut butter on one side then folded it into an omelet.. Oh my so moist and not to mention the best thing ever! Doesn't even need any syrup ;)

Friday, January 25, 2013

Interval training

HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training
Interval Training on the Stair-master for 20 minutes (low 40 steps/minute and high 120 steps/min)       Making it a habit to incorporate HIIT into my weekly schedule at least 4 times a week (this will increase my BMR and help reduce my body fat over time)


Working out my abs after my 20 minutes of interval training. Horizontal leg raises and alternating oblique workout with 10lbs weights. Don't be afraid to use weights or to go heavy. Lifting weights increases your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) which means calories needed in a day; the higher your BMR and RMR the faster your metabolism and the more foods your body can metabolize in a day :D SOUNDS AMAZING!!

Breathing properly while exercising is very important, exerting air when exerting force. In this ab exercise I'm breathing in as I go down and exhaling as I come up to bring my elbow to the opposite knee.

Baking Tilapia

I love tilapia, it is low in essential fat and high in protein. I enjoy baking it because it is very easy to bake and save for later meals.

Pre-heat the oven to 365 degrees
Season tilapia with garlic powder, cayenne pepper, oregano, and basil.
Bake for 40 minutes

24 hour fasting complete :)

Myth about fasting: you will lose your muscle if you fast and your metabolism will slow down. Common misconception "if you don't eat your body starts eating away its muscle"
Fact: your body goes into fat stores before muscle proteins. Fat is a greater energy source than protein.

Stored fat has more energy than muscle, almost twice as much. During fasting you have a 5 fold increase in Growth Hormone which tells the body to conserve muscle proteins. Growth hormone is also known to promote lypolysis which means the break down of fat. Therefore, growth hormone conserves muscle and breaks down fat.  Furthermore, when the body is breaking down fat it is releasing glycerol and palmitic acid which has been found in the plasma during the first 12-72 hours of fasting. The so called "muscle loss" comes from the stored glycogen in the muscles which is the stored form of glucose. Most of the mass that is lost in muscle during fasting hours is not from muscle protein but from water and stored glucose.

So with that being said, after fasting for 24 hours and giving my body a break from digesting and metabolizing these macro and micro nutrients, I feel great. Of course after my fasting period was over I didn't scarf myself down with a big meal. I had a 350 calorie meal of Tilapia and coconut oil (40 grams of protein: 10 grams of fat) and asparagus (6 grams of carbohydrates) with sprinkled chai seeds on the tilapia for extra fiber.

Lightly seasoned the tilapia with oregano, basil, cayenne pepper, and garlic powder

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Todays workout

Seated row 3 sets of 20 reps
Close grip pull downs 4 sets of 15 reps
Straight bar wide row 4 sets of 15 reps
Smith machine squats 3 sets of 20 reps 
Lunge squats 4 sets of 24 alternating lunges
4 sets of 15 box jumps

Stair master for 20 minutes, alternating skipping a step in intervals of 5 minutes

Sauna for 8 minutes

All my meals today:

Meal 1: protein pancakes
Meal 2: tilapia (egg on top) and broccoli
Meal 3: tilapia, brown rice, coconut oil, spinach and egg whites with 1/3 sweet potato and asparagus
Meal 4: post workout- nonfat Greek yogurt, 100% whey protein (banana flavor) with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and 3 sliced strawberries :)
Meal 5: crockpot recipe- chicken with kale, asparagus and tilapia

Sleepy time tea for a restful night.
Tomorrow will be my off day, only doing 20 minutes of high intensity interval training on the stair-master and that's it with a day of fasting. Not eating or drinking anything but water and green tea.


P.S. I'm fasting because I've been on a high protein diet and eating 5-7 meals a day. My body (not to mention my kidneys and liver as well as my digestive system) has gone through a lot of metabolic processes metabolizing all these toxins, protein, fat and supplements I've been taking. I think my body needs a day to recover,  a "food break" as Anthony Balduzzi calls it. I'd recommend checking out his site. He knows a lot about neuroscience and how the body is hardwired to work.  

Constantly peeing

Waking up constantly to go pee in the middle of the night almost makes me not want to drink water.

Drinking a gallon of water in a day has become easy to me but peeing all the time, especially in the middle of the night, has become a hassle.

I woke up at 1:20AM to pee then realized I was starving. My stomach was growling and without thinking about it I went into the kitchen and had about a spoonful of peanut butter (which is about 2 tablespoons) and a few walnuts. Now I feel super guilty and wish I didn't.

P.s I had the bad peanut butter you shouldn't have, with added sugar :( darn me

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Low carb day

Low carb day:

Meal 1: Protein pancakes with no carbs and 25 grams of protein @8am

Meal 2: 1/2 cup of oatmeal, 15 grams walnuts (10grams of fat), 1/4 cup of blueberries (30 grams of carbs) 4 egg whites (20 grams of protein)

Meal 3: Greek yogurt with protein powder and 1/4 cup of quinoa (30grams of protein) (26 grams of carbs)

Meal 4: spinach salad with brown rice and eggs and 3 strawberries @ 3:30 (20 grams of protein, 30 grams of carbs)

At 95 grams of protein, 86 grams of carbs, 20 grams of fat

Meal 5: 16 almonds and protein shake with 1 strawberry (before gym) 5:30 (15 grams of pro)

At 90 grams of carbs, 30 grams of fat and 110 grams of protein.

Meal 6: protein powder with almond milk and 1 tablespoon of peanut butter (or powdered peanut butter with coconut oil)

45 grams of fat, 140 grams of protein, 95 grams of carbs!! For the day

Fiber shake with glutamine and BCAA's before bed!

Protein pancakes

Protein pancakes for breakfast never gets old.

Preheat nonstick pan at medium heat

2 scoops of protein powder
1/2 cup of egg whites
1/2 cup of 100% pure pumpkin
Cinnamon to taste

Mix all ingredients well in a mixing bowl with an egg beater

Add a pinch or 1/2 tsp of coconut oil to warm pan and drizzle pancake batter. Cover for a min, flip when ready. If too hot reduce the heat.

I enjoy my pancakes with almond butter but peanut butter taste just as good. I use no syrup but they do have sugar free syrup by walden farms.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

No carb, high protein day

I think I over did it with protein. I had about 1.95 grams of protein per lb of body weight which ends up being 195 grams of protein for the day. Yikes! thats a lot of protein for me (poor kidneys). Oh well... i am trying to build but also too much protein can be converted to fat. Normally when you have over 2 grams per pound of body weight your body will convert the excess protein into triglycerides (fat); hopefully I calculated right and didn't go over 195 grams of protein. Tomorrow will be a low carb/high protein day for me. I'll be having about 150 grams of protein and 100 grams of carbs and 50 grams of fat (good fats). Working out my hamstrings tomorrow! Yeah can't wait 👍 😀

I worked out shoulders and biceps today and here are my meals I had throughout the day:

Meal 1- chicken, eggs, spinach, coconut oil (34 grams of protein)

Gym: biceps and triceps

Meal 2- Greek yogurt with 1 scoop of protein powder (40 grams of protein)

Meal 3- 3oz of chicken, 1 cup of asparagus, 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and 2 tablespoons of plain Greek yogurt with powdered peanut butter
(30 grams of protein)

Gym: stairmaster
Meal 4- protein drink (30 grams of protein)

Meal 5- canned tuna salad and spinach 22 grams of protein

Meal 6- 3 eggs whites (1 whole) 2oz of chicken, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter and 1 tsp of coconut oil (39 grams of protein)

Monday, January 21, 2013

"Loading on Carbs"

I'm 8 weeks and 5 days from my competition! I've been on my carb cycling diet for 12 days. I feel like I am now just getting the hang of it and figuring it all out. Who would have known there was so much to know about dieting. I've been studying Nutrition for the past 5 years but never did I advice anyone to cycle their carbs. It is pretty common in the bodybuilding industry and I can see why, It is very effective in decreasing your body fat. It's interesting how the body works and doing this diet has been very rewarding so far. I thought I knew my body, but I am constantly learning something new every day.

It's been about a week and 4 days since I've started my "new diet" my diet consist of high, low, and no carb days. It's been very neat to see how my body functions on low, high, and no carbs. I'm still consuming the same amount of protein every day (120 grams) and at least 3 servings of veggies a day (spinach, broccoli, kale, asparagus); that doesn't change.

I recalculated my diet because after almost 2 weeks on this diet I am seeing rapid results and becoming too lean too quickly which can be very unhealthy. I have about 9 weeks left till the competition and have plenty of time to try different diets and see how my body responds to them. In just 12 days I lost 8 pounds which is NOT healthy! Normally a healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds a week.

I don't think I was getting enough fat in my diet. I was getting about 20% of my calories. However my goal is to build muscle and reduce body fat at the same time which can be very difficult and attainable. I was seeing a decrease in body fat but not a major increase in muscle. For how hard I was lifting I knew something wasn't right. I wasn't losing any of my muscle but I wasn't gaining either.

My new diet plan will consist of 1600-1800 calories a day depending on my activity level and workouts.

with 30% of my calories coming from Fat, 30% from Carbohydrates, and 40% from Protein

160-180 grams of Protein (640 calories)
90 grams of Complex Carbohydrates (360 calories)
5-10 grams of simple CHO (fruit) 20-40 calories
30-35 grams of CHO (Fiber) ~ 60-120 calories
45-50 grams of Fat (400-450 calories)

50g FAT: 110g CHO: 160g PRO

Today's Meals (Jan. 21)

Meal 1: 1/2 cup of brown rice with 1 tsp of coconut oil
1/4 large sweet potato
2 strawberries
30 grams of PRO from protein shake

Meal 2
Meal 2: 37 g of Pro from greek yogurt with added chocolate protein powder and 1/2 cup of sliced strawberries
1 cup of spinach with 1 cup of quinoa, and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil

Meal 3: 25 grams of PRO from Chicken, 1 cup of spinach, 1/4 of a steamed sweet potato, 1/4 cup of quinoa and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil

Meal 4: 1 cup of spinach, 3 oz of chicken, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, 1/4 cup of crushed almonds and walnuts, 2 tsp of dijon mustard, 1 tablespoon of green salsa

Meal 5: 39 grams of protein from protein shake, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, 1 cup of almond milk

My Nutritional Facts for my 5 meals I had today: 1600 calories, 144 grams of protein, 45 grams of fat, 131 grams of carbohydrates
Meal 4

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Saturday Meals

My "high" carb meals for Saturday:

Breakfast: 4 egg whites with one whole egg and spinach and 2/3 cup of oatmeal with ¼ cup of blueberries

Gym at 9AM (Cardio)

10:30 AM vanilla protein smoothie with 1/2 cup of pineapple with cinnamon and a 1/2 sweet potato (as much sweet potato as I can eat).

1PM Meal 3- Spinach Salad with ½ cup sliced strawberries, 1/4 avocados, 1 tbsp walnuts, 2.8 oz of chicken, and 1/2 cup of quinoa (as much as I can eat; "carb loading")

2PM GYM: Leg Day
24 g of 100% whey protein drink (right after gym)

3:30 PM Meal 4-  Canned tuna with crushed almonds, egg whites, and pepper

6PM Meal 5 Casein protein with cinnamon and 1 tsp of coconut oil

9PM Dinner (meal 6 and last meal) Baked Salmon and as much starchy carb side with a glass of red wine.

7:47 AM

Can't wait for 8am to roll around! 3 Egg whites and one whole egg... No carb day Sunday after a high carb day Saturday :)

Friday, January 11, 2013

After day 1 of my "pre-contest" diet

Woke up a little late this morning, I think because I was up late doing some reading and research on the whole bikini and figure competitions. I learned so much that I didn't before. It is amazing to know exactly how your body works. I want to reach my goal and try to maintain after that. Just maintaining in itself is not easy.  So I read into carb cycling, which seems to be the most effective way of losing body fat and increasing lean body mass (lean body mass). I'm going to take this approach because I can't afford to lose any LBM, I'm already pretty lean compared to all the other competitors. So after doing my research on carb cycling and finding the most effective and healthiest approach I find that I'm going to have one day of no carbs and only protein with as many veggies I can have (and by veggies I only mean spinach, kale, broccoli, and asparagus). After a "no carb" day I will have a "Low Carb" day which 3 out of my 6 meals will have about 25 grams of carbs with my 20 grams of protein; my breakfast, my meal before the gym and my meal after the gym. Now for the 3rd day of this carb cycling diet will be a high carb day meaning 4 out of the 6 meals I will have carbs (about 30-50 grams) along with 20-40 calories worth of fruit.  That would be considered a cycle of carbs. No carbs, low carbs, high carbs then the cycle begins again.

Yesterday was my first day beginning this carb cycling "diet" (I really don't like that word) I have my 6 meals all just about 20-25 grams of protein. Weighed my self at the start and first thing next morning. Lost 1.6 lbs and started to see some abs (the outer and inner lines). It was an amazing feeling. Now everyone's body is different and I know my metabolism run a little faster than the average person. I wasn't getting myself too excited because I knew that today was the start of my "Low Carb/ High Protein" diet and that in two days I might go back to looking the same. That is why I am taking progress pictures every day and taking notes of how I feel and physically look. I'm hoping after about 3 weeks of doing this carb cycling "diet" I can lose body fat more effectively and semi permanently by maintaining.

My Breakfast this morning:
3 egg whites with spinach and a whole egg on top (there's about 5 grams of protein in 1 egg white)
1/3 cup of oatmeal with 1/4 cup of blueberries (10 bluberries to be exact).

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Now I can sleep :)

Now that I have prepared my meals for tomorrow I can sleep :)


8am Meal: 1 cup of oatmeal with 1/4 cup of berries and 1 cup of egg whites with spinach and a whole over medium egg on top

10:30 am Meal 2: 3 oz of chicken, 1/2 cup of sliced strawberries and spinach salad with avocado, walnuts, and quinoa

Gym! 1.5 hours

1pm Meal 3: protein smoothie with 2/3 cup of pineapple and 1/4 steamed sweet potato with skin

3:30pm meal 4: tilapia with steamed broccoli

6pm meal 5: canned tuna with kale

8:30 meal 6: casein protein with 1 tsp of coconut oil

Bikini Competitor.... why not

My motivation this morning: NIKE "Just Do It!!"

Today was a good day and felt great all day. I think it had to do with the high intensity interval training (HIIT) I did this morning. So I haven't mentioned this to anyone but I think I've committed myself to compete in an NPC bikini competition. Now the only reason I've decided to do this is to put myself to the challenge.. The girls that compete are getting really lean, the leanest they have ever been. It is not easy to get down to 10-12% body fat, especially a girl. So having the knowledge I have in Nutrition I figured I could put myself to the challenge and see how lean I can get, doing it the all natural way. The way I see it is just like a runner training for a full 26.2 mile marathon. A full marathon is not great for the body but it is a great accomplishment and shows a lot of endurance, motivation, and persistence in that individual training for the marathon. Not everyone is capable of running the full marathon without stopping (about 3% of the population can do it, or maybe less...I'm not sure to be exact).

Furthermore, after that being said, I think I will compete in the upcoming NPC show here in the valley which is exactly 10 weeks from today. There is still a lot I am going to have to learn such as when I get closer to the competition. I will have to learn how to pose, buy a suit, and I'm sure other things.. This is my first time doing it and I will be learning a lot a long the way. I will be posting my journey daily. I put together a pre-contest meal plan for myself and will change the leaner I get. I'm having 6 meals a day, at least 20 grams of protein with every meal.

I'm going to be posting progress pictures and workouts. The meals will be the same; 6 meals a day with 20 grams of protein (lean meat), green veggies such as broccoli, asparagus, kale... and a complex carbohydrate such as brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal, sweet potato...

The diet is not all of it though.... you have the stage presentation, where you get the judges attention and their interest in liking you. The personality on stage will determine if you get 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place. Now I have never done this so I am not speaking from experience but from what I have read and heard. This is the part I am worried about.. me in front of a huge crowd in my bikini... NOT HAPPENING.... that's what I initially thought.. but If I don't commit to a show, it will be hard to commit to a bikini competitors diet and If I haven't done it then I'm can be pretty sure people won't go to me for the nutrition advice needed for the dieting of these shows. Unless I've been through it and have done it, I can't preach it (even though I think I am already pretty knowledgeable from what I have read and seen ;) who knows until I actually do it).

...why not... I love challenges!

I've never been comfortable wearing a swimsuit in front of people, like out by the pool. I've always been very active and have always loved all outdoor activities. This whole gym thing is new to me.. I didn't really start lifting till the beginning of 2012. Now that I am seeing some muscle definition I am definitely more comfortable in my own skin.. and I'm hoping to be as I continue my healthy living for the rest of my life. .. getting down to 10% body fat is not normal for a girl and not considered healthy however, 14-16% body fat is considered in the athletic category and that is where I want to be all year around. This journey to me is a lifestyle and the way I see it, it is an essential way of having a well balanced successful life. Living actively and healthy by having an optimum fitness level through exercise and diet is crucial for a high energy, optimistic, and successful life :)

The only different thing I am doing now (as of today) than I was doing before, is eating my meals at exactly the scheduled time and having at least 18 grams of protein in all 6 meals and not having more than 40 calories worth of fruit in a meal.

My workout this morning: (non-stop)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Quick lunch

Fortified garlic parsley pasta with sautéed white mushrooms, green peppers, and egg. With olive oil and red salsa as the sauce

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Quick meal on the go!

1 sliced white mushroom
7 almonds
A few crushed walnuts
Non fat feta cheese
Raw broccoli
Red wine vinegar with a tablespoon of balsamic

Protein squares!!

Homemade Chocolate Protein Squares!!! Almost look just like brownies and taste just as good :)

-8 scoops of double rich chocolate golden standard whey protein

-4 oz of dark chocolate chips (optional)
-2/3 cup of cooked oatmeal
-1 cup of egg whites
-1/2 cup of all natural nutty peanut butter
-1/2 cup of crushed walnuts
-2 tablespoons of melted coconut oil
-1/2 tablespoon of cinnamon

(Add another scoop of protein if needed)

Mix all together in a large bowl then pour into cake pan and pat down very well. Place in freezer for 30 minutes or until chocolate is hardened then cut into 20 bars and voila!

Cut up into bars (makes about 20 squares) 10 bars will be about 28 grams of protein in each

High in good essential oils such as omega 3-6-9

If you want to decrease the sugar content by 1/2 or have no sugar at all only use 2 oz of chocolate chips or non at all. Already with the 4 oz of chocolate chips you are only getting 3 grams of sugar per serving :)

I was experimenting and this was my first time trying this so next time I think I will add more walnuts or a different type of nut such as chopped peanuts or crushed almonds ;) This recipe was extremely yummy for a protein bar :)

Great for a quick post workout treat!

It's very easy to have more than one at a time :)

Recipe by Lynee Palacios