Thursday, August 8, 2013

Low-carb and low-fat diets reduce thyroid function!

If you have reached a plateau in your weight loss journey, no matter how much you are exercising or changing your diet, check your hormones and learn to control and manage your stress. The biggest culprits are cortisol and unbalanced thyroid hormones.  

Thyroid hormones are the masters of our metabolism and cortisol is our primary stress hormone. 

Thyroid hormones provide energy, improve thinking abilities, boosts the immune system against infections and cancer, decreases bad cholesterol and lowers blood pressure.

Signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism (underproductive thyroid):
hair loss, tiredness/fatigue, hoarse voice, intolerance to cold, weight gain, constipation, dry skin, headaches, irregular menstrual cycles, and depression. 
Signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism (overproduction of thyroid hormones): 
fast heart rate, high blood pressure, shakiness, nervousness, red or bulging eyes, increased appetite, rapid pulse, and sensitivity of eyes to light. 

To regulate your thyroid hormones avoid soy or any soy products. Soy has phytic acid which blocks mineral absorption; minerals such as selenium, zinc, and iodine which are essential for proper thyroid function.

Foods that have lots of these minerals:
- Mixed nuts, especially sunflower seeds and brazil nuts
- Salmon
- Yogurt
- Beef, lamb

Signs of excess cortisol are moodiness, weight gain, decreased libido, acne, muscle weakness, irregular menstruation, poor sleep, and frequent infections.  

How to lower cortisol levels:
-       No caffeine intake or limit the amount
-       Healthy well balanced diet with lots of veggies and fruits
-       Drink plenty of water
-       Take B-Vitamins, multivitamin/mineral supplements, and antioxidant support
-       Have longer and deeper sleeps
-       Exercise regularly
-       Have social connectivity (lack of personal connection has often been linked to unhappiness and Valliant's study found that people with close friends and family were the happiest and that those lacking social connections were the unhappiest)
-       Meditation 
-       Music or laughter

Friday, August 2, 2013

Shoulders all day!!!

Worked out my shoulders today, shoulders and abs!! When I first started lifting I only had 2 shoulder workouts and wasn't seeing quick results. I picked up a few more shoulder exercises and now I'm seeing the results I wanted to see. Doing the same thing over and over isn't going to get you anywhere, in the gym and in real life. Best advice is to switch it up every time be creative, ask around, email me, or look for workouts online.

Today's Shoulder Workout

10 min warm up on stair master
Military shoulder Press
Bent over reverse flys 
Incline shoulder supermans 
Smith Machine Shoulder Press
Horizontal side lateral raises 

I did 4 sets with 12 reps each set, last rep till failure :) 

... I'm super excited to start using my 6 pack bag!! Eating clean is a must to stay healthy, happy, energetic, and motivated!! 

If you need any supplements such as protein, BCAA's, or vitamins email me:

One of my favorite proteins!! Forza PRO protein by Forzaone Nutrition!! Only at Nutrishop!!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Weight Loss Myth

A calorie is a calorie

This is not necessarily true. Yes a calorie is a calorie but not every calorie is created equal. Your body digest and absorbs every calorie differently depending on the food source. There are empty calories (calories that have little or no nutrients) and dense calories (foods that are full of nutrients). Your body will take longer to digest dense calories and keep you feeling full longer while the empty calories are easily digested and leave you wanting more. The more calories you have the more calories your body has to expend throughout the day. Extra calories not expended are stored in the body as fat.

Many people assume that to lose weight, you have to cut calories. Period. It’s a bit more complicated than that. It’s true that caloric restrictions must be applied when attempting to lose weight; however, food choices make a big difference. Weight loss results, as well as an overall sense of well-being will be affected based on the types of food you choose. Studies find that in calorie-restricted diets that restrict food groups, individuals may feel lethargic, suffer from depression and actually develop adverse health conditions. Conversely, those who restrict calories, but include all key food groups in balanced proportions, will experience greater weight loss, improved energy, mood, focus and overall sense of well-being. So, next time you’re looking for a snack, skip the 100-calorie chocolate thins or Oreo packs, and try something a little more balanced. You’ll see and feel a big difference!

It is your body and your health! You choose!!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Well balanced meal

Cutting out carbs is not the answer. Your body, in order to function properly needs carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are the main energy source for the body. You won't lose weight by cutting out carbs, you lose weight by decreasing your calories. Cutting out carbs will create a calorie deficit but will cause cravings and uncontrolled leptin levels which will later have an increased effect on weight gain. 

Here's a perfect example of a well balance meal: 
Sautéed bell peppers and mushrooms in coconut oil with two egg whites, 4 oz of chicken and 1/2 cup of whole wheat pasta w/a tablespoon of olive oil.

You have your carbs (pasta), protein (chicken & eggs), good fats (olive oil & coconut oil), and your fiber/veggies (bell peppers & mushrooms)


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Sugar is addicting!!

Sugar is so addicting! Eat 100's of calories from sugar yet they are empty calories making our bodies wanting more!!

Simple sugars like donuts, are immediately broken down and digested into the blood stream increasing our blood sugar. That results in a secretion of insulin witch is a hormone secreted by the pancreas that helps shuttle sugar from our blood into our cells at a rapid rate. This immediately gets stored as fat! Excess sugar, which is anything over 10-25 grams of sugar (depending on your insulin sensitivity) at a time gets stored as fat. Our bodies only need so much. These simple sugars are single chains of carbohydrates composed of glucose and fructose easily break down and get converted to fat.

If you are attempting to get rid of unwanted body fat, the quickest is to say NO to sugar!! Remember a sugar molecule is a sugar that your body can't differentiate where it came from. So if it comes from honey, fruit, white breads, or ice-cream, then your body won't be able to tell the difference. Everything in moderation! Simple rule to follow.. Don't exceed 15 grams of sugar in one sitting. One banana is about15-20 grams of sugar (depending on how big and ripe it is), 1 strawberry is 2 grams, 1 tablespoon of honey is 8 grams.. I donut is about 22 grams of sugar, 1 serving of ice-cream about 30 grams...

Just say No to sugar!!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Where are the veggies??

Don't call it a veggie burrito when you don't have any real veggies in it!! The veggies that are high in nutrients and fiber are mainly the green veggies. Tomato is considered a fruit and onions.. well that's a veggie but not quite the same micronutrients as green veggies such as spinach or asparagus.

This veggie burrito is from D'Lish which is considered a "healthy"food place. However when they add chocolate syrup to their protein shakes and use skippy's peanut butter... Then that no longer is considered a "healthy shake.

My veggie burrito experience.. That's what happens when I don't wake up early enough to prepare my own breakfast!! No excuses! Next time I'll stop by at Starbucks instead and get the oatmeal with blueberries and added protein!! You can ask them to add a scoop of protein. A great idea for something fast and healthy!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Green Machine

Try this great post workout protein shake

-egg whites
-vanilla protein powder (I use Truestar brand)
-kale w/out stems

Blend in blender and boom around 30 grams of protein (depends on the protein you use and the amount of eggs whites)
-130 calories

Supplements taken with this: Omega 3 (anti-inflammatory; essential after an intense workout)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


If you have a Facebook account.. follow and like my LetsGetHealthyFit page for great healthy lifestyle tips, health information, and weight loss posts!

When you pick the right nutrient dense foods, you don't have to worry about counting calories. These healthy foods are already low in calories.. Eat more with nutrient dense foods and see greater gains with your health and fitness goals!

Visit for great RECIPES!!

Nothing easy is worthwhile... work for it!!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Easy Turkey Dinner

16 oz of ground turkey
1 can tomato sauce
1 tablespoon of minced garlic
1/2 cup of chopped raw asparagus
2 cups of spinach
1 whole zucchini -chopped
1 tablespoon of coconut oil

Preheat large skillet on medium heat
Add coconut oil
Add zucchini and asparagus, let cook for 5 minutes then add turkey
Cook turkey and add garlic
Then add tomato sauce and lastly add spinach..
Increase heat to medium-high heat and mix ingredients together for 5 minutes.
Reduce heat to low and cover
Let simmer for 5-10 minutes

Makes 4 servings!!

Friday, April 5, 2013


Kept it simple and easy today with my meals.

Breakfast: protein drink

Lunch: turkey burger with an egg and broccoli

Dinner: cod fish cooked in coconut oil with asparagus, soy beans and brown rice

Supplements: multivitamin, calcium-magnesium, omega 3, vitamin E, B-complex and folic acid pill

Monday, April 1, 2013

Hummus Recipe

1 can of chickpeas or garbanzo beans
1 Lemon or lime
Fresh jalapeño (optional)
1 tablespoon of olive oil
1tsp of minced garlic
Dash of salt and paprika to taste

Blend in blender and enjoy with cucumbers or bell peppers!!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Grab a veggie!

It is mentally tough to stay on a diet plan for fat loss. You need to menu train your brain to know the differences between hungry, thirsty, bored, and craving.

If you stay busy and hydrated throughout the day, you will avoid these cravings. Don't skip any of your meals!!! If you are still hungry... snack on healthy foods such as veggies in-between your meals.

No carbs no syrup pancakes!

Pumpkin protein pancakes with extra egg whites and pumpkin for extra fluffy and moist pancakes!

PB2 powdered peanut butter with extra water so it comes out less dense (acts as the syrup) and cinnamon and chai seeds to top it off :)

Healthy! Great breakfast!!

Chocolate whey protein
Egg whites
100% pure pumpkin from can
PB2 with water
Chai seeds!!

That's it!!!!

The best protein pancakes ever!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Let's Get Healthy Fit!

Fat loss goals are not achieved in the gym. They mostly are achieved through your nutrition. However, the gym is a tool that keeps us motivated and strong. It is easier to stay on track by staying positive and motivated when you exercise daily!!!  --Lynee Palacios

Email: if you want a change. 
I decided to compete so I could relate to my clients. I always ate the right foods, being a nutritionist, however I maintained my body fat percentage at 19-20% and never dieted before.  I was happy with my weight. Although for bodybuilding competitions you have to get down to 13-14% body fat or even lower. It's not easy to decrease in body fat, It's a lot of mental and physical work. I lost 6 lbs of body fat in 4 weeks! I love to help people reach their health and fitness goals through a healthy lifestyle by making everyday healthy choices. At first it may be tough but after 21 days of forming healthy habits your body starts loving you for it and you really do feel and see the difference!!! Making healthy choices for a healthier you!
I can help you achieve your fitness goals!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Healthy Weight Loss

Breakthrough Diet Exposed: Celebrity Doctor Uncovers The "Holy Grail of Weight Loss"

Most diets just don't work. They're restrictive and leave you craving foods and sweet treats that you love, but aren't allowed to eat. Now is the time to stop trying those fads, food-hating diets and switch to something healthier and easier. Natural diet pills are the perfect solution if you want to lose weight quickly, safely & easily.

As you might already know, using natural diet pills is always better than using supplements that have been made with synthetic chemicals that are harmful to your health and prescription weight loss pills have serious risks. Natural diet supplements are the ideal choice if you want to lose weight in a safe, healthy, effective manner.

Natural diet supplements are not drugs at all; they are herbal products, which mean they contain ingredients from Mother Nature that aren’t harmful to your health. One key ingredient to look for in these natural supplements is Hydroxycitric Acid, or HCA. HCA is mainly found in fruit grown in India and parts of Asia. HCA is an important ingredient that allows you to lose weight without having to diet or exercise. Here’s how it works:

  • HCA extract increases serotonin levels which help with emotional eating.
  • HCA extract acts as an appetite suppressant so you're not hungry as often.
  • HCA extract prevents new fat cells from forming.
  • HCA extract also manages cortisol, the stress hormone.
Choosing a natural diet pill that contains HCA will truly help you reach all of your weight loss goals. You’ll start to see the results quickly and get the body you’ve dreamed of having.
How to choose a natural diet pill that works can be difficult, considering the number of products that are on the market today, however, if you know what benefits to look for, it becomes easy to find the most effective natural supplement to use. Natural diet pills are beneficial in your quest for successful weight loss because they:
  • Are 100 % Natural
  • Have No Side Effects
  • Fight Sugar Cravings
  • Boost Metabolism

The most famous Doctor in America and beloved talk show host claims that it will help you lose weight and exposes New Scientific Results. "TheHoly Grail of Weight Loss!"
Pure Garcinia Cambogia is the latest buzz in the battle of the bulge. Since recently being studied on a nationally recognized, very popular doctor television show, millions of people are praising this "miracle weight loss pill". Studies have shown an increase in weight loss 2 to 3 times more than those not taking any PureGarcinia Cambogia extract, which resulted in losing up to 10 pounds or more per month without changing diet or exercise. Pure Garcinia Cambogia acts as a fat blocker, which means fat cells will not be allowed to form. This natural diet supplement is truly number one because it delivers the maximum results you want!

TrueBASICS with LEAN Extreme from Truestarhealth has 1000 mg of Garcinia Cambogia supplying 500 mg of HCA

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Almond Crusted Salmon

My lunch today. It was amazing!

Coconut oil
Crushed/chopped almonds
Herbs and Spices

I used already cooked salmon that I had baked earlier this week and stored in the freezer.

I thawed salmon in the fridge
Pre-heated pan on medium heat then added very little coconut oil.
Placed salmon on medium heat pan and seasoned one side with spices/herbs. Cooked for 5 minutes then flipped over salmon and sprinkled crushed almonds on top. Cover then cook for 5-8 minutes

Almond covered salmon with brussels sprouts :)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Cod Fish and Mushroom recipe!!

Sautéed Cod and Mushrooms

-1 cup sliced mushrooms
-6 oz of cod, cut into chunks
-Non stick cooking spray or (coconut oil)
-1 clove garlic, minced
- 1/2 Lemon juice (or whole if you love lemon)
-1 tsp of dried herb, oregano, thyme, rosemary, parsley or tarragon (your preference .. Or fresh

Heat a medium skillet on medium heat. When skillet is heated, spray with non stick cooking spray or 1/2 tsp of coconut oil. Add garlic and sauté until lightly brown. Add mushrooms and dried herb. Sauté for 3 minutes. Add lemon juice and cod, sauté until fish is cooked through.

Monday, March 4, 2013


I got asked the question on facebook today if it was possible to avoid sugar in our diet because everything has sugar.

TRUE... most foods have sugar, a sugar is a form of carbohydrate composed of carbons, hydrogen's and oxygen's.

There different form of sugar found in our foods. We have lactose which is only in dairy products, refined table sugar (sucrose) found in processed foods and Maltose found in beer, cereals, pastas, and potatoes.

Galactose (Galactose + Glucose = Lactose)
Fructose (Fructose + Glucose = Sucrose)
Glucose (Glucose + Glucose = Maltose)

Depending on the type of sugar will determine how it effects your insulin levels. The quicker a sugar is broken down and absorbed the higher your blood glucose gets causing a greater insulin spike. Too much insulin over time leads to insulin sensitivity. Meaning your cells stop responding to insulin like it should and the uptake of blood glucose into the cell is either stopped or slowed down.
Over time this may lead to onset diabetes which then may lead to Type  2 diabetes.

Understanding why we crave high sugary foods is important for controlling our cravings.

Our body craves sugar all the time... especially when you have it daily. When we eat foods with added sugar our blood sugar spikes and insulin is then released. The insulin triggers our brains to release dopamine and serotonin which are feel good hormones. Once these levels go down our brain tells our body to have more of the high fats/ high sugary foods and it then becomes a never ending battle with ourselves.

You become what you think, what you eat, and what you do. Having a good attitude and restful sleep, exercising daily, eating the right foods, and taking your vitamins are simple ways to live a healthy lifestyle.

Interesting fact: 2 out of 3 people eat more under stress! Usually when people over eat and emotionally eat, they are unable to control their stress due to an unbalanced lifestyle. Comfort foods and foods high in sugar and fat are what most people go to when they let their emotions get the best of them. 

Funny how the word "stressed" is "desserts" spelled backwards!!

Vitamins and minerals are an essential addition to your every day diet!

If you are looking for some great quality supplements that meet all the criteria for optimal vitamins and minerals plus other essentials for optimum wellness here are the supplements I would recommend to take.

The TrueBasics for Men and Women is great to take every day. You get your multivitamins, your omega 3, Vitamin E, calcium-magnesium and D3 pills and your folic acid/b-complex vitamins and minerals all in one pack. 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Chicken w/ Spinach red sauce

Boiled chicken
Sauce: tomatoes, tomato juice, spinach, kale, garlic, oregano, pepper, salt, paprika, cayenne pepper.

Make sure the tomato juice/sauce has no added sugar. Look at the ingredients to see if tomatoes is the only ingredient.

National Nutrition Month!!

March is national nutrition month. Make a self challenge for yourself and go the month of march with no added sugar to your diet. Avoid all processed foods! Step out of your comfort zone and do something for you!

Follow me this month for ideas and what foods to look out for that have hidden sugars in them.

This being one of them!
Whole wheat bread. Look at the ingredients carefully. Avoid "added" sugar and high fructose corn syrup.

Ezekiel bread is a much better alternative to bread.

Working out and loving life!!

Working out, staying active, and constantly on the go is what makes me happy. What makes you happy!?!

Went through a 45 min orange theory workout this morning, got my protein in me and now gym time at mountain side fitness.

Time to get into the groove and win some competitions!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Breakfast idea..

Big hearty breakfast for a great leg/booty workout! Operation kill that booty!!!

3 oz of salmon, 1/2 cup of egg whites, 1/2 cup of cook brown rice, tsp of coconut oil, 1 cup of broccoli and spinach.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Almond Protein Bars

The almond protein bars I made were really good.

They are high in protein, fiber, low in carbs, and high in good essential fats :)

5 scoops of Protein powder
1/2 cup of Almond milk
4 scoops of chai seeds
1/2 cup of oatmeal
1/2 cup of oat bran
4 tablespoons of almond butter
1 tablespoon of honey
1/2 cup of whole raw almonds

My own recipe :)

Friday, February 22, 2013

Me time!

Finally I can get some me time where I can relax, meditate and think about present goals.

Stair master baby! Best machine out there!

20 minutes on level 8 fat burning mode with 10 lb weights.
Then 20 minutes of interval training on stair master (working rate 100/ resting rate 40). Then 20 minutes again on QuickStart starting at level 60 then going up 10 every 5 minutes!

Great cardio workout! Try it!

When you break it down in increments of 20 minutes on low high, high low, low high high... A 60 minute stair master workout seems like a 30 minute workout. Change it up and see what works out for you!

Lemon chicken

The chicken I prepared last night taste phenomenal!

Recipe (really didn't measure anything out just added some stuff that I think would taste great together)

Skinless chicken breast
Freshly squeezed lemon juice
Olive oil
Chopped garlic
Dijon mustard
Bragg's Amino's

Allowed the chicken to marinate in the mixture for an hour in the fridge then baked the chicken in the oven.

Breakfast on the go!

That's how I roll! Haha :)

1/2 cup of oatmeal, almond milk, 1/4 cup of blueberries and cinnamon 😋

Thursday, February 21, 2013

I love to eat good food!!

I made some delicious tacos for dinner. They tasted so good it was hard to believe. Who ever says healthy Oos taste bad is full of BS and clearly doesn't know how to cook. Every fit person is a great chef ;)

-Lean ground beef seasoned with garlic powder, cayenne and paprika
-whole wheat flour tortillas
-fat free cheddar cheese

Then prepared chicken for tomorrow (can't wait to eat it)

Marinated chicken in lemon juice with olive oil, chopped garlic, and Dijon mustard :D

Healthy snacks

Protein muffins and protein bars!

Healthy snacks I made and packed for today :) so yummy! All natural ingredients, no added sugar, good in essential fats, high in protein, low in carbs 👍💪

High protein chocolate bars:
8 scoops of chocolate protein powder
1 cup of oatmeal
1/3 cup of natural peanut butter
3 tbsp of honey
1/2 cup of nonfat/skim milk

Mix together the protein, oatmeal, peanut butter, honey and milk

Form into 5 bars or push mixture down in a glass pan and place in the fridge for about 30 minutes! If in cake pan, cut into squares. Enjoy these healthy homemade protein bar! 😋

Protein muffins:
Preheat oven at 350 degrees F
Ingredients (blend in blender)
1.5 cups of oatmeal
12 egg whites
1-2 scoops of vanilla protein powder
1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
2 tablespoons of flax oil
1/2 cup of 100% pumpkin
2 tsp of cinnamon
1 tsp of vanilla extract (optional)
Nutmeg (optional)

Pour in muffin pan then bake for 20-30 minutes or until firm. Let cool then store in the refrigerator. Taste great cold :)

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Monday: Legs

I worked out my legs yesterday. That may be why I'm feeling so tired today

Leg workout:
5 sets of leg extensions
Starting with heavy weights 5 reps
Then decreasing weight and going up 2-3 reps.

3 sets of laying down hamstring curls and 3 sets of seated hamstring curls 12-15 reps each

Hip Adductors and ABductors, 2 sets of 20 reps each.

Stair-master for 20 minutes

Getting back into prep mode

Since the competition it's had been tough for me to get back into the gym. I was working out so hard sometimes 3x a day 2 weeks prior to competition. Ever since, I haven't been as motivated to lift heavy weights as I was before.. Just feeling week. Time to get motivated again and start preparing for the March NPC bikini show held in Arizona. As the year progresses, I'm assuming the competition will only get more tough than it was one I did my first show.

I eliminated sugars from my diet for the competition. I went 4 weeks without any sugar and felt great, full of so much energy. Now that I added sugar to my diet I have not felt that great and I'm feeling tired throughout the day without any motivation or strength to lift heavy. I'm going to eliminate sugar again from my diet and see if I notice a difference.

P.S. my abs are gone :( I have 4 weeks to see them! Hopefully they come in within the next 2 weeks. Time to eat clean, no sugar, and 2x gym time!