Monday, March 25, 2013

Let's Get Healthy Fit!

Fat loss goals are not achieved in the gym. They mostly are achieved through your nutrition. However, the gym is a tool that keeps us motivated and strong. It is easier to stay on track by staying positive and motivated when you exercise daily!!!  --Lynee Palacios

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I decided to compete so I could relate to my clients. I always ate the right foods, being a nutritionist, however I maintained my body fat percentage at 19-20% and never dieted before.  I was happy with my weight. Although for bodybuilding competitions you have to get down to 13-14% body fat or even lower. It's not easy to decrease in body fat, It's a lot of mental and physical work. I lost 6 lbs of body fat in 4 weeks! I love to help people reach their health and fitness goals through a healthy lifestyle by making everyday healthy choices. At first it may be tough but after 21 days of forming healthy habits your body starts loving you for it and you really do feel and see the difference!!! Making healthy choices for a healthier you!
I can help you achieve your fitness goals!

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