Friday, August 2, 2013

Shoulders all day!!!

Worked out my shoulders today, shoulders and abs!! When I first started lifting I only had 2 shoulder workouts and wasn't seeing quick results. I picked up a few more shoulder exercises and now I'm seeing the results I wanted to see. Doing the same thing over and over isn't going to get you anywhere, in the gym and in real life. Best advice is to switch it up every time be creative, ask around, email me, or look for workouts online.

Today's Shoulder Workout

10 min warm up on stair master
Military shoulder Press
Bent over reverse flys 
Incline shoulder supermans 
Smith Machine Shoulder Press
Horizontal side lateral raises 

I did 4 sets with 12 reps each set, last rep till failure :) 

... I'm super excited to start using my 6 pack bag!! Eating clean is a must to stay healthy, happy, energetic, and motivated!! 

If you need any supplements such as protein, BCAA's, or vitamins email me:

One of my favorite proteins!! Forza PRO protein by Forzaone Nutrition!! Only at Nutrishop!!

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