Monday, March 4, 2013


I got asked the question on facebook today if it was possible to avoid sugar in our diet because everything has sugar.

TRUE... most foods have sugar, a sugar is a form of carbohydrate composed of carbons, hydrogen's and oxygen's.

There different form of sugar found in our foods. We have lactose which is only in dairy products, refined table sugar (sucrose) found in processed foods and Maltose found in beer, cereals, pastas, and potatoes.

Galactose (Galactose + Glucose = Lactose)
Fructose (Fructose + Glucose = Sucrose)
Glucose (Glucose + Glucose = Maltose)

Depending on the type of sugar will determine how it effects your insulin levels. The quicker a sugar is broken down and absorbed the higher your blood glucose gets causing a greater insulin spike. Too much insulin over time leads to insulin sensitivity. Meaning your cells stop responding to insulin like it should and the uptake of blood glucose into the cell is either stopped or slowed down.
Over time this may lead to onset diabetes which then may lead to Type  2 diabetes.

Understanding why we crave high sugary foods is important for controlling our cravings.

Our body craves sugar all the time... especially when you have it daily. When we eat foods with added sugar our blood sugar spikes and insulin is then released. The insulin triggers our brains to release dopamine and serotonin which are feel good hormones. Once these levels go down our brain tells our body to have more of the high fats/ high sugary foods and it then becomes a never ending battle with ourselves.

You become what you think, what you eat, and what you do. Having a good attitude and restful sleep, exercising daily, eating the right foods, and taking your vitamins are simple ways to live a healthy lifestyle.

Interesting fact: 2 out of 3 people eat more under stress! Usually when people over eat and emotionally eat, they are unable to control their stress due to an unbalanced lifestyle. Comfort foods and foods high in sugar and fat are what most people go to when they let their emotions get the best of them. 

Funny how the word "stressed" is "desserts" spelled backwards!!

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