Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Sugar is addicting!!

Sugar is so addicting! Eat 100's of calories from sugar yet they are empty calories making our bodies wanting more!!

Simple sugars like donuts, are immediately broken down and digested into the blood stream increasing our blood sugar. That results in a secretion of insulin witch is a hormone secreted by the pancreas that helps shuttle sugar from our blood into our cells at a rapid rate. This immediately gets stored as fat! Excess sugar, which is anything over 10-25 grams of sugar (depending on your insulin sensitivity) at a time gets stored as fat. Our bodies only need so much. These simple sugars are single chains of carbohydrates composed of glucose and fructose easily break down and get converted to fat.

If you are attempting to get rid of unwanted body fat, the quickest is to say NO to sugar!! Remember a sugar molecule is a sugar that your body can't differentiate where it came from. So if it comes from honey, fruit, white breads, or ice-cream, then your body won't be able to tell the difference. Everything in moderation! Simple rule to follow.. Don't exceed 15 grams of sugar in one sitting. One banana is about15-20 grams of sugar (depending on how big and ripe it is), 1 strawberry is 2 grams, 1 tablespoon of honey is 8 grams.. I donut is about 22 grams of sugar, 1 serving of ice-cream about 30 grams...

Just say No to sugar!!

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