Thursday, June 19, 2014


Being on a schedule is important!!

A schedule is great for many reasons and it will sure aid in your success. For example, if we are wanting to lose weight.. and if we have a fitness goal to attain by the end of the summer, then the only way to achieve your goal is by writing a plan out and with that plan you have a schedule. The more detailed your schedule, the easier it becomes to complete your daily goals. I haven't been scheduling properly and it has become a lot more work on myself.  I have become aware of the situation now and I have decided to schedule my days out the night before. I have decided to schedule my sleep. I plan on getting at least 6-7 hours every night (I've been averaging 4 hours a night, which will eventually catch up to me). I've attempted this before and failed. I realized that I wasn't writing my schedule down or didn't have something to hold me accountable. Writing every night should help. We, as humans, seem to function better on a schedule. We become so familiar with our schedules that we start forming the good habits written in our planners. Kids love schedules! I don't have any kids of my own but from many years of babysitting and nannying I have realized that kids do 10x better when on a schedule. We adults aren't any different. It's important to go through at least 2 REM cycles of sleep every night.. that's about 6 hours. I am aware that I miss out on sleep quite often and have realized that it does effect your cognitive health. That being said, make sure you are getting at least 6-7 hours of sleep every night. It will make a difference.. schedule and plan it!!

1:30-8:30 am SLEEP
9:00 am Meal 1 + Conference Call
9:30-11am  GYM
11:30 am Meal 2
12-4 pm WORK
2:00 pm Meal 3
4-6 pm APPOINTMENTS and 4:30 late lunch/early dinner with business partner
6:30 pm Meal 5
7-8:30 MEETING
9:30 pm Meal 6
11:30 pm WRITE

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