Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Hi my name is Lynee, I am 26 years old and a medical student at SCNM. On the side I have a network marketing business with XANGO. I’ve been building my business with Xango since October 2013. I’ve wet my toes in network marketing before but never fully committed to one company until I fell in love with all of Xango products, especially their all natural fitness line. I’m a personal trainer and have taken many supplements before but have yet to come across effective and clean supplements like xalo. In the year that I started to build my business just by simply sharing what I love, I grew a passion not just for the products but for the business model. Network marketing really teaches you about real life. You learn things that aren’t taught in school. They only teach us how to work for someone else... get a good "job." In my opinion "job" stands for "JUST OVER BROKE"  If you are okay with that then great but I know for the life that I want to live, I wouldn’t be able to work for someone else. I enjoy my freedom and enjoy my own schedule. I like to constantly be challenging myself and growing as a person. With network marketing I have learned that it’s not all about you. There are other people doing it with you and depending on you. The people people you help out, the more successful you become. And that's one of life's philosophies. You share the wealth with others and it’s the knowledge that you share that makes a difference. It has given me the opportunity to think bigger and live a limitless lifestyle.

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