Saturday, June 7, 2014

Summer Goals

Making goals on a daily basis is important. We always had goals growing up. We were taught in school to set goals and achieve them. However, the older we get, we forget about these goals. We get too busy with "life" such as work, family, and other adult responsibilities. Remember being a child and dreaming about what you wanted to be, where you wanted to go, and how many kids you wanted to have? Boy do kids have an imagination or what?! Why do we have to stop dreaming?? I've learned these past few months that it is okay to keep on dreaming; it's safe to dream again. I stopped blogging because I shifted my focus towards another project and as of yesterday committed to blog everyday for the next 3 months. I have realized that in order to be truly happy and healthy you have to have a certain mentality. Fitness and nutrition is one thing but attitude is everything! Expect posts about positive thinking, business, health, wellness, fitness, relationships... and whatever else comes to mind.

Summer goal #1: Blog everyday!

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