Tuesday, June 10, 2014


So I was going to write about sugar tonight and how sugar is the evil culprit. However I was inspired by a movie that I just finished watching called "Endless Love" to write about something else. So I've been avoiding sugar because of the way it would make me feel. I would immediately feel tired after eating any simple sugars. I then started researching sugar and from what I learned in school I came to the conclusion that most sugars are bad. Well after listening to an audio by Deepak Chopra,  I was able to gain control of my senses and become aware of what was really wrong. Slowly but surely I healed myself and let's just say I feel rejuvenated! It's an every day process and with our health especially. Striving to be healthier and happier is a never ending journey. Life is incredible and very beautiful, we are given this life as a gift and we should not take it for granted. I've been learning to live in the NOW and live in a TIMELESS state of mind. It makes complete sense to know that there is no such thing as time and we only age because of the environment, stress, and free radicals. They say that the people who are more happy and positive in life live longer than most. I believe it! ... My point with this blog is to express my awareness with life. There is no need to stress, at the end of the day we should be grateful for the life that we do have. Love yourself and tell yourself you are a magnificent being with a purpose. Have unconditional love for yourself and you will know what to do next. It will become easier to love others. You will gain a clear vision of what your purpose entitles and where life will take you. Unconditional love for yourself will help you to have self control or will power; something we all struggle with at times, especially the older we get. Live blissfully, you can only give as much love as you feel for yourself. I do believe in a soul mate and I do believe in unconditional love for someone else. However before you can find that you have to feel that unconditional love with yourself, become aware, and be one with your soul.

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