Wednesday, June 11, 2014


"Have faith in the journey you choose to embrace"

Faith is a word I don't take very lightly. Faith to me, means to depend on someone or something to happen, in other words, waiting (and not really knowing what you're waiting for exactly). Belief is knowing in what is to happen or what you know to be true. We have all heard 'what you believe you can achieve" or "what you believe is true, is in reality true." Our minds are more powerful than we think. we can put our own walls and not really know we are limiting ourselves. However becoming aware is key. Our health is a gift just as life is a gift and we should definitely not take our health and life for granted. Living a healthy lifestyle is an everyday journey that we don't really ever think about until we become sick and it's too late or until we've gained an extra 10-20 pounds of unwanted fat, then we start realizing it's time for change. Awareness is key. Being healthy and active should not be something we need to promote everyday it just needs to be without thought. It's sad to think we need to constantly be motivated on a daily basis in order to eat the right foods and go workout at the gym. We are so programed as society to act and think a certain way. Same with our thought process, as we get older we start to think the way society wants us to think and not the way God or our own souls want us to think. A lot of time we lose who we really are and lose contact of our own soul, then we become hungry for our lost souls, feeding our bodies with either drugs, sex, or unhealthy processes foods. Becoming aware of your surroundings and of certain situations and knowing/believing in what is right is the key to finding your purpose and reaching your potential. Our purpose is to live happily, we can think to be happy but I mean really be happy with ourselves and live in a blissful state of mind. Knowing who you are and especially focusing on your strengths to better yourself and others is what life is really about. Really loving yourself, working through struggles and overcoming them so you can then pay it forward and help those who are currently dealing with your past struggles. Life is about being happy with yourself and paying it forward (happiness or positive energy may be contagious). Remember, you can only give out as much love as you have for yourself. 

Believe in the journey you have chosen to live.

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