Thursday, August 8, 2013

Low-carb and low-fat diets reduce thyroid function!

If you have reached a plateau in your weight loss journey, no matter how much you are exercising or changing your diet, check your hormones and learn to control and manage your stress. The biggest culprits are cortisol and unbalanced thyroid hormones.  

Thyroid hormones are the masters of our metabolism and cortisol is our primary stress hormone. 

Thyroid hormones provide energy, improve thinking abilities, boosts the immune system against infections and cancer, decreases bad cholesterol and lowers blood pressure.

Signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism (underproductive thyroid):
hair loss, tiredness/fatigue, hoarse voice, intolerance to cold, weight gain, constipation, dry skin, headaches, irregular menstrual cycles, and depression. 
Signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism (overproduction of thyroid hormones): 
fast heart rate, high blood pressure, shakiness, nervousness, red or bulging eyes, increased appetite, rapid pulse, and sensitivity of eyes to light. 

To regulate your thyroid hormones avoid soy or any soy products. Soy has phytic acid which blocks mineral absorption; minerals such as selenium, zinc, and iodine which are essential for proper thyroid function.

Foods that have lots of these minerals:
- Mixed nuts, especially sunflower seeds and brazil nuts
- Salmon
- Yogurt
- Beef, lamb

Signs of excess cortisol are moodiness, weight gain, decreased libido, acne, muscle weakness, irregular menstruation, poor sleep, and frequent infections.  

How to lower cortisol levels:
-       No caffeine intake or limit the amount
-       Healthy well balanced diet with lots of veggies and fruits
-       Drink plenty of water
-       Take B-Vitamins, multivitamin/mineral supplements, and antioxidant support
-       Have longer and deeper sleeps
-       Exercise regularly
-       Have social connectivity (lack of personal connection has often been linked to unhappiness and Valliant's study found that people with close friends and family were the happiest and that those lacking social connections were the unhappiest)
-       Meditation 
-       Music or laughter

Friday, August 2, 2013

Shoulders all day!!!

Worked out my shoulders today, shoulders and abs!! When I first started lifting I only had 2 shoulder workouts and wasn't seeing quick results. I picked up a few more shoulder exercises and now I'm seeing the results I wanted to see. Doing the same thing over and over isn't going to get you anywhere, in the gym and in real life. Best advice is to switch it up every time be creative, ask around, email me, or look for workouts online.

Today's Shoulder Workout

10 min warm up on stair master
Military shoulder Press
Bent over reverse flys 
Incline shoulder supermans 
Smith Machine Shoulder Press
Horizontal side lateral raises 

I did 4 sets with 12 reps each set, last rep till failure :) 

... I'm super excited to start using my 6 pack bag!! Eating clean is a must to stay healthy, happy, energetic, and motivated!! 

If you need any supplements such as protein, BCAA's, or vitamins email me:

One of my favorite proteins!! Forza PRO protein by Forzaone Nutrition!! Only at Nutrishop!!