Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Green Machine

Try this great post workout protein shake

-egg whites
-vanilla protein powder (I use Truestar brand)
-kale w/out stems

Blend in blender and boom around 30 grams of protein (depends on the protein you use and the amount of eggs whites)
-130 calories

Supplements taken with this: Omega 3 (anti-inflammatory; essential after an intense workout)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


If you have a Facebook account.. follow and like my LetsGetHealthyFit page for great healthy lifestyle tips, health information, and weight loss posts!

When you pick the right nutrient dense foods, you don't have to worry about counting calories. These healthy foods are already low in calories.. Eat more with nutrient dense foods and see greater gains with your health and fitness goals!

Visit www.letsgethealthyfit.com for great RECIPES!!

Nothing easy is worthwhile... work for it!!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Easy Turkey Dinner

16 oz of ground turkey
1 can tomato sauce
1 tablespoon of minced garlic
1/2 cup of chopped raw asparagus
2 cups of spinach
1 whole zucchini -chopped
1 tablespoon of coconut oil

Preheat large skillet on medium heat
Add coconut oil
Add zucchini and asparagus, let cook for 5 minutes then add turkey
Cook turkey and add garlic
Then add tomato sauce and lastly add spinach..
Increase heat to medium-high heat and mix ingredients together for 5 minutes.
Reduce heat to low and cover
Let simmer for 5-10 minutes

Makes 4 servings!!

Friday, April 5, 2013


Kept it simple and easy today with my meals.

Breakfast: protein drink

Lunch: turkey burger with an egg and broccoli

Dinner: cod fish cooked in coconut oil with asparagus, soy beans and brown rice

Supplements: multivitamin, calcium-magnesium, omega 3, vitamin E, B-complex and folic acid pill

Monday, April 1, 2013

Hummus Recipe

1 can of chickpeas or garbanzo beans
1 Lemon or lime
Fresh jalapeƱo (optional)
1 tablespoon of olive oil
1tsp of minced garlic
Dash of salt and paprika to taste

Blend in blender and enjoy with cucumbers or bell peppers!!